Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Redshirts

Another arm of the redshirt camp ends at the intersection of Th Phra Ram IV and Th Ratchadamri. This area has a more post-apocalyptic feel about it, perhaps because it's just after a thunderstorm and everything is sodden with rain:

Or because the area outside is swarming with cops in riot gear, there in response to the Redshirt's earlier threat to shut down the Chulalongkorn Hospital across the road:

These guys were dancing around the camp singing discordantly:

Followed at a distance by this old man, to whom everyone passing made a reverent wai. Around his neck is a collection of the Buddhist amulets that the Thais fervently collect:

This guy was rolling cigarettes and selling zip-lock bags of five. Note the hairy mole on his chin, a sign of good luck in South-East Asian culture:

The pimpingest redshirt bike around:

I'm off to Burma tomorrow, so probably won't get a chance to add to this blog for a while. Back on the 25th, stay tuned.


  1. Interesting blog, Pete - love your writing style. Keep at it.

  2. Thanks Heather! Only just figured out how to check for comments, so sorry for the belated response.
